Wednesday, April 16, 2008


A lot of people feel guilty when they lie, or ditch someone. In this case a guy from Ireland says that, “We need guilt, for the worst of reasons of course. Guilt allows us to go on pretending we're better than we really are while continuing to do whatever we want anyway.” I completely agree. People use excuses to get around things and then they end up feeling guilty that they shouldn’t have done what they just did.
I feel that guilt has played a role in everyone’s life, whether it’s from ditching a friend, or lying to your parents. I remember I told someone I would hang out with them and then I made other plans. Once that person texted me to see what we wanted to do I ignored them. Later that night I felt so guilty that I didn’t include them or tell the person I hung out with that I already made plans. Now that I ignored that person I had to make an excuse up to why I didn’t answer them. Once this all happens you put your self into a sticky situation. You’ve gone from ditching the person to lying; now you have two reasons to feel guilty. Guilt can consist or many different things; you can forget to study for a test and feel guilty or you can ditch someone; although many people go each day with feeling guilty or thinking about guilt.
In the book Macbeth, guilt affects the plot a lot. Once everyone starts getting murder people stay to feel as if they shouldn’t have done that and feeling guilty now. When Macbeth killed because Lady Macbeth told him to is where many people would feel guilty. I know if I was told to kill someone and I actually went and killed that person I would feel so guilty that I actually did something like that.

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