Friday, April 11, 2008


Feminism today is still around. Although it’s not around as much as it used to be there are still examples shown today. Some examples are women role models that can effect women or actually inspire them. Some women that come to my mind are Hilary Clinton, and Oprah Winfrey. Both these women do so much for our country. Hilary Clinton is the first woman ever to be in a close race for president. Many people say she doesn’t have what it takes to be president, and others say that she’s woman and a women cannot control our country. Oprah does so many helpful things for people; she has a lot of organizations that help people who are needed. She helped build a school in Africa and helps aids. These two women show great power for young girls and other woman. An inappropriate role model to young girls today would be, Paris Hilton; she’s out every night partying and drinking. Within the past year she went to jail for drinking and driving, she made a huge deal about doing so, but you do the crime you should pay for it. She is also showing girls that wearing something short and sluty isn’t a problem. Seriously would you want your thirteen-year-old child wearing a skirt that doesn’t cover everything, or wearing a shirt that’s see through and tight?
Lady Macbeth had very strong power; she told Macbeth to do a lot of things that he ended up doing. Although telling people to do things and make them do it isn’t always right, but it showed people that she had power. I feel that she shows somewhat of a positive character to women, a lot of women look up to someone that takes a charge.

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