Thursday, April 3, 2008

"Good People Doing Bad Things"

Ever been the person who’s always doing the write things and one time you get yourself in some trouble. This happens to many people, starting with Don Imus, a popular radio host, said some racial, sexist comment on a public airwave. Imus said a very racial mark against the Rutgers Girls basketball team. This comment didn’t only affect the Rutgers but everyone who heard it was affected. Once this hit airs all over, everyone heard a bout it. Imus lost this his gig on this morning radio show called “Imus is the Morning”. He was then fired from it. Imus Thought his remark was a good reference. Imus became known as someone who was racist, yes he did something terrible but he was a good person to start with. Saying something wrong can bring you down to a very low side. Although Imus said his apologies this just shows that one bad statement or action can go a long way.
Macbeth chose to listen to someone else other then himself, once he killed Duncan he became a bad person for killing. Although Macbeth was a good person he did the wrong thing. If he did what he believed was right and didn’t listen tom something he wouldn’t be a good person doing a terrible thing.

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