Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Final Project. Outline

What is the question you are answering in your own words? – in your own opinion what are my ideas on the book, and do I agree with what others are saying?

What is your thesis statement?
The three main ideas we can discuss with this book would be, Taking relationships too far, taking relationships for granted, and chick learning a valuable lesson.
What is the topic/idea of this paragraph?
Charlie took his relationship with his mother to far, when he went to go visit his father and during then his mother died.
What quote(s) ideas from research will you use to help prove your points?
a. “a book that really emphasizes relationships… and how no relationship should really be taken for granted because you never know when you will miss a loved one forever...”
What example(s) from the book(s) will you use to help prove your points?
a. : relationships seems to big a huge part of this book, having a relationship with someone really close to you and taking it for granted always seems to happen. When Charlie secretly goes and visits his dad when his mother had no idea, his mothers and his relationship comes to end due to her death. This book has a lot to do with life changing ideas. Like losing your loved one, Charlie becomes an alcoholic and attempts suicide.

What is the topic/idea of this paragraph?
Relationships between you and your mother, how much your mom really means and how their life impacts yours.
What quote(s) ideas from research will you use to help prove your points?

b. "A child embarrassed by his mother is just a child who hasn't lived long enough."

What example(s) from the book(s) will you use to help prove your points?
a. : this article gave great incite on the book and relates it to something in real life, and gives you a good feeling about the book. Also gave a good summary of the book.

What is the topic/idea of this paragraph?
Whether Chick learns a valuable lesson, and a new meaning of life.

What quote(s) ideas from research will you use to help prove your points?
“Chick learns a valuable lesson and undertakes a new meaning on life as the story comes to a close.”

What example(s) from the book(s) will you use to help prove your points?
a. Troy seemed to really like this book, as did all the other people. His views on the book were that “don’t take those you love for granted”, which is so true because it happened in the book and happens to real people.

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