Friday, May 16, 2008

Cornell Notes for Final Project =]

Cornell Notes for Research Paper
Format for Blog Posting

Cornell Notes are a way to take simple yet effective notes on what you hear, read, or see. Use this format to help you take notes that can be transferred to your blog. Take your notes here, then cut and paste them over to your blog.

Cornell Notes for Sources

TITLE: For One More Day- Mitch Albom
AUTHOR: Vasudha J. Singh

Main Idea #1: Charlie took his relationship with his mother to far, when he went to go visit his father and during then his mother died.

Summary: relationships seems to big a huge part of this book, having a relationship with someone really close to you and taking it for granted always seems to happen. When Charlie secretly goes and visits his dad when his mother had no idea, his mothers and his relationship comes to end due to her death. This book has a lot to do with life changing ideas. Like losing your loved one, Charlie becomes a alcoholic and attempts suicide.

Quote: “a book that really emphasizes relationships… and how no relationship should really be taken for granted because you never know when you will miss a loved one forever...”

Question: what was your overall view on the book? And what was your favorite part?

How will this source help you write your paper?
This source will help me by, giving me opinions and some criticism on the book. It gave me a idea of what the book was about, an what to expect.

TITLE: For One More Day

Main Idea #1: Relationships between you and your mother, how much your mom really means and how their life impacts yours.

Summary: this article gave great incite on the book and relates it to something in real life, and gives you a good feeling about the book. Also gave a good summary of the book.

Quote: "A child embarrassed by his mother is just a child who hasn't lived long enough."

Question: if you were to give your honest opinion on the book what would it be, and what were your views.

How will this source help you write your paper?
this site gave me good examples on how the book is related to real life, and relates it to other times.

TITLE: For One More Day

Main Idea #1:

Summary: Troy seemed to really like this book, as did all the other people. His views on the book were that “don’t take those you love for granted”, which is so true because it happened in the book and happens to real people.

Quote: ‘You can either be a momma’s boy or daddy’s boy, Chick. So what’s it gonna be?’ That’s what my father told me.”
- “Times I did not stick up for my mother” and “Times my mother stuck up for me”

Question: what was your overall view on the book?

How will this source help you write your paper?
This source was the biggest help, it gave me a lot of information and helped the most.

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